Licenciado en Filología Hispánica. Talleres de dramaturgia con Josep Lluís Sirera, Nicolás Dorr (Cuba), Luis María Pescetti (Argentina), Arístides Vargas (Argentina), Juan Mayorga, José Sanchis Sinisterra y Alejandro Tantanian (Argentina). Director artístico de (
With a degree in Hispanic Philology, he has participated in playwriting workshops led by Josep Lluís Sirera, Nicolás Dorr (Cuba), Luis María Pescetti (Argentina), Arístides Vargas (Argentina), Juan Mayorga, José Sanchis Sinisterra, and Alejandro Tantanian (Argentina). He is the artistic director of (
Escritura. / Style.
Las tres Cs de Ochoa: comedia, compromiso y cambio. Mi teatro bascula entre la comedia (sea romántica o absurda, política o naïf), el compromiso (político o social) y cambio (el juego constante con el lenguaje y la palabra). Obras como "Las guerras correctas", "Vives", "Den Haag" o "Mi camiseta, sus zapatillas, tus vaqueros" dan fe de ello.
Ochoa’s three Cs: comedy, commitment and change. My theatre strikes a balance between comedy (whether romantic or absurd, political or naive), commitment (political or social) and change (the constant playing with language and words). Works such as “Las guerras correctas”, “Vives”, “Den Haag” and “Mi camiseta, sus zapatillas, tus vaqueros” are testament to this.